Russia Oilseeds: Who Does Not Do What Russia Wants Shall Feel It

Russia Oilseeds: Who Does Not Do What Russia Wants Shall Feel It

Russia will have to export 50-60 million tons of grain abroad this agricultural year (July 2022-June 2023), First Deputy Agriculture Minister Oksana Lut said at an expanded meeting of the State Duma Committee on Agrarian Affairs on Wednesday, Interfax writes.

According to her, this results from calculations based on the fact that the grain harvest this year will be 150 million tons, and 80 million tons will be needed for domestic consumption.

"The harvest of 150 million tons gross or 140 million net is something, depending on how wet the grain is.

This year we have a wet harvest ", she said. - Assuming we have 140 million tons and 80 million tons of domestic consumption, considering livestock growth. We should have a three-four month transitional supply to feel comfortable. Accordingly, we export 50 to 60 million.

According to Oksana Lut, "there are industrial plans with all the top exporters for export to distant countries and the EAEU." "export to Kazakhstan is not limited yet. We had plans to limit Kazakhstan because it resells our grain and makes money from it. But since there will be a big harvest in Siberia and it is closer for them to export to Kazakhstan, we are not changing anything for now and have notified the Kazakhs if there are no unfriendly actions towards us will change it. But so far, everyone is behaving well ".

Last year, the Russian Federation exported 38.1 million tons of grain, including 30.7 million tons of wheat. The harvest in 2021 was 121.4 million tons, including 76.1 million tons of grain.
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