
Anala Rajkot

Nov 10, 2023

Groundnut Harvest Reveals India's Agrarian Story

Groundnut Harvest Reveals India's Agrarian Story

Gujarat emerges as the protagonist in groundnut production, boasting a promising groundnut crop of 3 to 3.3 million tonnes, a testament to its fertile fields and favorable conditions. The story, however, takes a turn in Rajasthan, where the crop faces a 25 to 30 percent setback, battling the ghosts of irregular rainfall.

Expectation of rising prices

In Gujarat's agricultural domain, the groundnut is a star performer, with 70 percent of the crop already gracing the markets in North Gujarat. Saurashtra, however, plays a more cautious role, with only 15 to 20 percent of its produce making its debut. Farmers in this region, perhaps anticipating a plot twist, hold back, expecting the market price to rise. The subplot introduces the stockists, eager players in the groundnut drama. With the memory of profitable harvests from the past three years lingering, stockists are making bold moves, buying peanuts in bulk. The anticipation builds, creating a buzz in the market.

Lack of rain

Rajasthan's groundnut narrative, on the other hand, faces a challenge. Despite a 25 to 30 percent increase in sowing, the prolonged absence of rain in July and August casts a shadow on yield and quality. The crop's fate seems uncertain, with a projected decline compared to the previous year. The international scene adds complexity to the plot. While India experiences a surge in groundnut production, export demand remains lackluster, especially for bold groundnut grains, down by 75 percent compared to the previous year. However, a twist in the tale suggests that the demand for bold groundnut may experience a decline in prices, countered by a rising demand for peanut butter, blanched, and roasted peanuts in the Indian market.

Whispers of China's demand

A different story is in the southern states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Telangana. The groundnut crop is estimated to be halved from the previous year, indicating a potential impact on the prices of TJ and Java groundnut kernels. As the season approaches, whispers of China's slow demand for groundnut oil pervade the air. While the market speculates, the possibility of a trade resurgence emerges. The current price disparity for peanut-producing units further muddies the waters, leaving the future price of groundnut in suspense.

In the bustling markets of Gujarat, G-20 groundnut takes center stage. The season sees an unexpected production rise, promising an income increase after Diwali. Banaskantha, the leading market player, expects a hefty arrival of five lakh bags, painting a picture of prosperity. However, as the season unfolds, the price dynamics shift, dancing between highs and lows.
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