
Anala Rajkot

Feb 16, 2024

Nutmeg Faces Delayed Harvest

Nutmeg Faces Delayed Harvest

As the market anticipates the upcoming nutmeg harvest, the current market scenario reveals complex factors affecting the prices and stock of nutmeg and mace. With three months left for the harvest, the market faces challenges due to surplus domestic and foreign goods and a rupee shortage. This analysis delves into the aspects of the nutmeg-mace market, shedding light on existing stockpiles and future expectations.

Abundance in the Market Creates A Stagnant Scenario

The latest survey report vividly depicts abundant stock across producer, distributor, and consumer markets. However, this surplus has not translated into significant market growth since last May. Excessive stock, including light and heavy goods, and an influx of colored mace contribute to the stagnant market conditions. The new crop, expected in May, faces challenges as excess stock, especially in the Ernakulam line, limits the scope for price increases. Current prices reflect the market's restrained nature. Traders warn of the proliferation of fake goods in the markets, further impacting the sales of genuine, high-quality goods.

Sluggish Sales and Export Challenges

Sales, particularly in Singapore, have witnessed a significant slowdown. Excess stock and a market rupee shortage have strained the stock capacity. Nutmeg, too, accumulates in large quantities due to a 32 percent decline in export trade, influenced by low international prices. Traders in producer markets are offloading goods, exacerbating the stockpile. The export trade challenges and existing stock create a situation where nutmeg faces accumulation in the wholesale shops. As the new crop looms three months away, stockists, eager to clear their inventory, are compelled to consider selling at reduced prices. The earlier season's prices have plummeted, with no signs of a bullish reversal. The bearish trend is expected to persist from the current pricing.


In conclusion, the nutmeg market grapples with challenges from oversupply and sluggish sales, exacerbated by export constraints and a rupee shortage. Despite anticipation for the upcoming harvest, the market remains stagnant, with abundant stockpiles hindering price increases. Traders go through the influx of fake goods and declining prices, signaling a continued bearish trend. As stakeholders strategize in the middle of these complexities, carefully assessing evolving market trends is paramount. The market outlook suggests a prolonged period of subdued prices until the arrival of the new crop. Thus prompting stakeholders to adopt prudent measures to weather the current market conditions.

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