
Richard Dalian

Apr 1, 2024

New Arrival of Myanmar Mung Beans Impacts Market Dynamics in China Dalian

New Arrival of Myanmar Mung Beans Impacts Market Dynamics in China Dalian

Early High Costs Support Prices

The arrival of new shipments of mung beans from Myanmar has been observed in succession in the China Dalian market. Initially, the early arrivals incurred high costs, which contributed to the support of prices. However, recent arrivals have seen a slight reduction in costs. Currently, market activity is moderate, with expectations for stable prices for Myanmar mung beans today.

Uzi Beans Situation and Price Outlook

The situation with Uzi beans remains generally stable. Some merchants are hesitant to sell goods at lower prices, opting instead to maintain price levels. Zhuochuang Information predicts that the price of Uzi beans will remain steady today.

Domestic Mung Bean Market Dynamics

Limited surplus grain of domestic mung beans is reported, with grain merchant sales averaging scarcity on a daily basis. Consequently, market movement is sluggish, and prices are anticipated to remain stable into the following week.

Current Market Price in China for mung bean

Product  Name Chinese mung bean
Size3.8mm up
Moisture16% max
Package25kg PP bag
Loading22mt /20GP
Con.  Fob DalianUSD 1420-1450/mt - EURO 1316-1344/mt
Org.  Fob DalianUSD 1490-1520/mt - EURO 1381-1409/mt
Delivery20 days after the contract
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