
Gülten Tümer

May 16, 2024

Variable Weather Conditions Impact Malatya Apricot Harvest and Prices

Variable Weather Conditions Impact Malatya Apricot Harvest and Prices

This year, different weather conditions have greatly affected apricots in Malatya. Although early ripening apricots have taken their place in the markets in some regions of Türkiye, the harvest forecast for dried apricots has not been clarified yet. Last week, there was an above-normal hailstorm. Although it did not affect the total harvest much, it caused injuries to the apricots, so this situation will affect the harvest in terms of quality products during the dried apricot season.

Prices started to fall in the past weeks, causing farmers to panic. Raw material prices, which remained high until the beginning of April, continue to decrease week by week. Dried apricots, which were traded at 240 TL or 6,85€, dropped to 120 TL or 3,43€. The exporter, on the other hand, acts cautiously and buys only as much product as he needs. If this panic atmosphere continues for a while, the expectation is that prices will continue to fall, albeit slowly.




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