
Anala Rajkot

May 23, 2024

Ukrainian Purchase Prices Climb as Sunflower Supply Dwindles

Ukrainian Purchase Prices Climb as Sunflower Supply Dwindles

Overview Of The Sunflower Market

The Ukrainian sunflower market is experiencing a significant increase in purchase prices due to a shortage of offers from producers. This trend is accompanied by a rise in export prices for sunflower oil and meal. The escalating costs are affecting both domestic and international markets. This report talks about various factors affecting the Sunflower market.

Rising Export Prices

Sunflower oil export prices have risen significantly for delivery to Black Sea ports. This increase occurs despite reduced demand from India and stable palm oil prices. Soybean oil prices have similarly increased, influencing the overall market movements. The demand for sunflower meal, particularly for delivery to Black Sea ports, has also seen a notable increase. Prices for non-granulated meals also rose. Rising feed grain costs drive this price surge.

Domestic Price Trends And Production Data

According to Trading Economics, the average price for sunflower oil delivered to buyers during the week was stable. Concurrently, soybean oil prices in Chicago rose by 2.4%, and palm oil prices in Malaysia increased by 1.3%. These global price movements further influence the domestic Ukrainian market. Ukraine has sown 4.6 million hectares of the projected 5.5 million hectares for sunflower cultivation, surpassing last year's pace. The industry is buoyed by the positive influence of favorable weather conditions on crop development, fostering optimism about future harvests.

Export and Processing Insights

Data from Ukroliyaprom indicates that sunflower oil export volumes have exceeded pre-war levels. In the 2023/24 marketing year, sunflower oil exports increased by 17.9% to 4.4 million tons, and meal exports rose by 27.8% to 3.5 million tons. Conversely, raw sunflower exports have dropped by 83.7% to 289.6 thousand tons. This shift underscores the significant increase in domestic seed processing and the export of value-added products, a positive sign of the industry's growth. The USDA projects that Ukraine will produce 6.1 million tons of sunflower oil. This production boost is facilitated by reduced seed exports, enhancing the capacity for domestic processing and higher-value product exports.

In essence, the surge in sunflower market prices in Ukraine reflects various domestic and international factors. The rise in export prices, driven by increased demand and global price trends, highlights the market's responsiveness to external elements. Despite challenges, such as reduced seed exports, the Ukrainian sunflower industry has shown remarkable resilience and adaptability, instilling confidence in its potential. With optimistic sowing figures and robust export growth, the market is poised for continued expansion.
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