
Gülten Tümer

May 29, 2024

Raisin Prices in Türkiye Hold Steady Amid End-of-Season Market Dynamics

Raisin Prices in Türkiye Hold Steady Amid End-of-Season Market Dynamics

Raisin prices in Türkiye  remain at the same level as in previous weeks. Raw material prices are around 120-150TL or 3,44-4,30€. The price of size 8 grapes purchased for raki (alcohol) production is around 110 TL or 3,15€ . In the normal season, this price is quite high for the raw materials purchased for alcohol production. The market height also affected alcohol producers. Since it is the end of the season, no price can be given because there are no number 10 grapes.

Mildiyo disease on grapes still poses a danger for the new season. Farmers spray, collect leaves, etc. to ensure a good harvest for the new season. Farmers are trying to prepare for the season. Although the rain caused partial damage in the Sarıgöl district of Manisa, which is the main source of income for fresh and raisins, over the weekend, it does not seem to affect the total harvest much. There is a partial decrease in exports due to the less product of the remaining stock.

Current prices will continue until the first week of June, but there may be an increase again afterwards. There are very few grapes left on the market until the new season.

 Türkiye has exported 173,115 mt of seedless dried raisins this season so far, which is 10% down on last year. At 3,356 mt weekly exports also range much lower than the 4,607 mt registered in the same week last year.


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