
Gülten Tümer

May 30, 2024

Dried Apricot Prices and Market Dynamics in Türkiye: A Season of Uncertainty

Dried Apricot Prices and Market Dynamics in Türkiye: A Season of Uncertainty

Dried apricots are experiencing a different season. Although there has been a decrease in prices in recent weeks, this decrease is not reflected in the local market. In fact, the last seller has started to sell dried apricots as pieces and their price varies between 10 TL and 15 TL or 0,29€ and 0,43€. It has become almost impossible to buy apricots in the domestic market. While this is the situation in the domestic market, export companies are trying to buy cheap apricots from farmers. In the farmers' revolt, they call on each other not to sell to those who offer prices below 200 TL or 5,73€.

They want TMO to purchase products at a price that will satisfy the farmers. Fresh apricots have started to take their place in the markets as the season begins. Harvest forecasts for the new season will start coming next month. As for the price, expenses that will affect the cost such as workers' wages, diesel fuel, and disinfection will become clearer as the season approaches due to the uncertainty of the dollar exchange rate.




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