
Gülten Tümer

Jun 5, 2024

Raisins in Türkiye New Season Forecasts Will Be Announced on August 1

Raisins in Türkiye New Season Forecasts Will Be Announced on August 1

The high temperatures since the weekend have caused effects on some vineyards. In the vineyards where the leaves were collected too much, the grape bunches were affected because they were exposed to too much sun. While farmers have already suffered some losses due to the Mildiyo disease in the vineyards, they do not want to suffer losses due to extreme temperatures.

Best-priced season

We can say that this season was the best-priced season for raisins. These prices seem to remain at the same level in the new season. Of course, it is still early, but these are the farmers' predictions. The reason for these predictions is the current local market prices. Current raw material prices are over 100 TL or 2,83€, and number 9 raisins were sold for 135 TL or 3,82€ last week, there are no number 10 raisins left, so the remaining number 9 and number 8 raisins make the farmers happy in terms of prices.

According to what was written in the local press, Tariş President Mr. Şen will announce its new season raisin prices on August 1. If the figures, which were known at the end of August in previous years, are announced early this year, it will be good for both exports and the local market. There are 2 months left before the new season starts.

Some of the farmers' expectations of new season prices for raw material
  • number 8   -  180TL or 5€
  • number 9   -  190TL or 5,37€ 
  • number 10 -  200TL or 5,65€
As we mentioned again these prices are only expectations, certain prices will be clear after Tariş announcement on 1 August.

According to the registration figures of the end of May, raisins are at the level of 172,000 tons, which shows that the estimated total harvest of this season will be 185,000 tons. If the new season crop does not appear over 270,000 tons, export prices will maintain the level of 3 USD, according to estimates.





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