
Gülten Tümer

Jun 6, 2024

New Seson Quality Will Be Good for Dried Apricot

New Seson Quality Will Be Good for Dried Apricot

In Malatya, as in all of Türkiye, the air temperatures are quite high. There is no effect on the crop for now. However, such temperature changes bring the fresh apricot harvest forward. Fresh apricot harvest will begin after the 10-day Eid al-Adha holiday, which will start next weekend.

Rising expenses - Farmers in expectation

Farmers are making preparations to start harvesting fresh apricots at the end of June. In addition, they are putting pressure on TMO to announce the raw material price as 200 TL or 5,70€ this season. Increasing cost expenses and the difference between the purchase price from the farmer and the local market prices anger the farmers and they want to be rewarded for their labor.

Better quality and quantity

We can say that the export season is about to end, and the remaining stocks are mostly of industrial quality. While the price estimate for the new season is not yet clear, everyone is hopeful about the product quality and quantity. It is expected to be better in quality and quantity than last year. However, since weather conditions can change suddenly, it is not possible to say anything clearly at the moment. But predictions for the new season will begin to be determined by the authorities next week. Most likely, there is an expectation of 150,000 tons, and the remaining 20,000 tons from this season will be added. We will wait for the commission's statement for a clearer picture.

The fact that the yield forecasts were in this direction also affected the falling export prices and they fell a little more. There has not been much change in raw material figures, it varies between 125 TL and 130 TL - 3,56€ and 3,70€.

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