
Gülten Tümer

Jun 13, 2024

Turkish Raisin Market Maintains Stability Amid Heatwave and End-of-Season Dynamics

Turkish Raisin Market Maintains Stability Amid Heatwave and End-of-Season Dynamics

Raisins spent the week at a normal level. The last shipments are being made before the holiday. Air temperatures in Türkiye are 10 to 12 degrees above seasonal norms. With temperatures reaching 45 degrees Celsius, the governor's office warns people not to go out during the daytime. After a very hot week, temperatures are expected to increase further next week. Many producers are working to protect their vineyards, which were damaged by hail, from the heat this time. It is very important for farmers to survive this heat with the least damage in terms of new season yields.

While the new season price expectation for raisins continues until August, farmers predict that the yield will not be high due to the losses experienced. Current market prices are at a level that will satisfy farmers. Due to the end of the season and low stocks, the raw material prices of number 9 raisins were sold for around 130 TL or 3,74€ last week. These prices will be higher in the new season.

On June 8, weekly raisin exports were 3700 tons and the average price was $2733. There is a decrease of 1750 tons compared to the same week last year.
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