
Anala Rajkot

Jun 13, 2024

Domestic Lentil Production Falls Short of Government Estimates

Domestic Lentil Production Falls Short of Government Estimates

Monsoon and Weather Conditions

The Indian lentil market is experiencing significant fluctuations as domestic production estimates fall short of government projections. This report provides an in-depth analysis of the factors affecting lentil production and prices, with a particular focus on the implications for exporters.

Monsoon Impact

The southwest monsoon reached Kerala, the southernmost state of India, on May 30, 2024. The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) and private weather agencies have predicted 106% rainfall compared to the long-term average (LPA) during June- September 2024. While June may experience relatively less rainfall, heavy rains are expected in the following months.

Production Estimates

The Union Agriculture Ministry has estimated red lentil production at approximately 1.650 million tonnes for the Rabi season of 2023-24. However, the industry and trade sectors believe actual production is closer to 1.1-1.2 million tonnes. This discrepancy is significant, as it impacts market prices and supply stability. The harvesting of the lentil crop has concluded. Despite this, the price of lentils has remained stable over the past few months, unlike other pulses. This stability is attributed to substantial imports from Canada, Australia, and other countries, alongside the arrival of the new domestic crop.

Price Trends

Recently, lentil prices have started to rise suddenly. This indicates that either domestic production is much lower than government estimates or farmers are holding back stocks. Major producers anticipate further price increases in the coming months. During the general election period, the government essentially banned the sale of pulses. Adding another layer of complexity to the market.

Import Trends

In March 2024, India imported approximately 68,000 tonnes of lentils, the most diminutive monthly import figure since May 2023. Typically, lentil imports decrease during strong domestic harvests and the arrival of new crops in March-April. In March, about 39,000 tonnes of lentils were imported from Australia and 18,000 tonnes from Canada, with the remainder coming from countries including Russia. Despite a reduction in imports for March, the total lentil imports for the financial year 2023-24 reached a historical record of 1.670 million tonnes. This is 0.41 million tonnes higher than the previous record of 1.26 million tonnes in 2015-16. The import trend continues into the financial year 2024-25, with the government expected to purchase about 0.125-0.15 million tonnes of lentils from farmers. Currently, the total government agency stock is close to 0.6 million tonnes.

The disparity between government and industry estimates of lentil production, combined with recent weather patterns and import trends, has created a volatile market environment. As domestic production falls short of expectations, reliance on imports will likely continue, affecting global trade flows and pricing structures. Staying informed about these developments is crucial for strategic planning and decision-making in the export sector.
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