
Elizabeth Gilbert

Jun 17, 2024

Turkish Hazelnut Market Remains Stable Amid Low Activity

Turkish Hazelnut Market Remains Stable Amid Low Activity

Market Stability and Price Trends

The Turkish hazelnut market experienced another quiet week, with raw material prices showing little change. However, there has been a slight narrowing in the range of offer prices for prompt deliveries from various sellers. This trend indicates a cautious approach from suppliers regarding the upcoming harvest.

Seller and Buyer Sentiment

Sellers have become more reserved, potentially waiting until after the Kurban Bayramı (Eid al-Adha) holidays to become more active in the market. The holiday, which starts today and continues until Wednesday, is expected to temporarily slow down market activities.

On the demand side, there is interest from buyers, but actual purchasing intentions remain low. Negotiations in the confectionery sector are particularly slow, influenced by high cocoa prices and market uncertainties. Buyers are likely to make conservative decisions and might only cover their needs on a quarterly basis.

Currency Movements and Weather Impacts

There has been some movement in the TRY/EUR exchange rate, but this has not significantly impacted price lists so far. Over the weekend, the Sakarya and Akcakoca regions experienced storms with hail. Initial reports suggest no significant damage to hazelnut orchards, but further assessments are needed.

The Turkish hazelnut market remains stable, with minimal price fluctuations and low market activity. Sellers are cautious, and buyers are hesitant, leading to a quiet market environment. The upcoming Eid al-Adha holidays will likely keep market activities subdued in the short term. Stakeholders should monitor post-holiday developments and weather impacts on the new crop to better understand future market dynamics.
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