
Gülten Tümer

Jul 11, 2024

Promising Outlook for Türkiye's Upcoming Dried Fig Season

Promising Outlook for Türkiye's Upcoming Dried Fig Season

Preparations Underway for the New Season

With the dried fig season recently concluded, Turkish farmers and exporters are gearing up for the new season. The current high temperatures are necessitating increased irrigation efforts, but they are also raising expectations for the quality of this year's crop. If the dry weather continues next month, when the figs begin to dry, the outlook for both prices and quality appears promising.

Irrigation and Quality Expectations

High temperatures have driven the need for irrigation among farmers. Despite this challenge, these conditions could lead to an excellent quality crop if rain does not occur during the critical drying period next month. This situation is setting the stage for a potentially successful season for Turkish dried figs.

Last Season's Challenges and New Season Goals

Last season, high prices hindered Turkish farmers and exporters from reaching European buyers, leading to significant profit losses. This year, exporters are determined to reconnect with their old customers in the European market. By adjusting pricing strategies and ensuring high-quality products, they aim to recover the lost market share and improve profitability.


The upcoming dried fig season in Türkiye is filled with optimism, contingent on favorable weather conditions. As farmers and exporters prepare to tackle the new season, the focus will be on maintaining quality and competitive pricing to regain their position in the European market. With the right conditions and strategic planning, this season holds great promise for Türkiye's dried fig industry.
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