
Anala Rajkot

Jul 16, 2024

Concerns Among Stockists and Exporters Surfaces As Coriander Trade Faces Uncertainty

Concerns Among Stockists and Exporters Surfaces As Coriander Trade Faces Uncertainty

Understanding the Scenario

Coriander traders and stockists are increasingly worried about the future of their business. The sluggish demand for this essential grocery commodity has led to stagnant prices, affecting market sentiment. Despite limited arrivals, prices have not shown significant movement, causing concern among those involved in the coriander trade. In the local wholesale market, the prices of coriander Badami and Eagle have remained stable. Recently, these prices saw a decline. The demand for coriander remains weak, impacting market fluctuations. Traders report that the current lifting of coriander is slow, further contributing to a subdued market sentiment.

Limited Farmer Sales

A trader in Ramganj Mandi noted that farmers are holding back their coriander crops due to unattractive prices. Despite limited arrivals, the wholesale and retail prices have not seen any significant changes. This reluctance to sell at current prices is contributing to the stagnant market conditions. Currently, Ramganj Mandi is seeing an arrival of about 2500-3000 bags of coriander daily, significantly lower than the usual 5000 bags expected during this period. Similarly, in the Baran market, arrivals have been consistently around 1000 bags. 

Declining Exports

Despite attractive prices in domestic markets last year, coriander exports had surged by two and a half to three times in FY 2023-24. However, in the current financial year 2024-25, exports have weakened. This decline in exports is not just a number, it has a significant impact on the industry.

According to the Spices Board, in April 2024, India exported 6054.49 tonnes of coriander. In comparison, during the same month last year, 11,486.60 tonnes were exported. This represents a 47% decline in quantity, indicating significant challenges in the export market.

The coriander trade is facing significant challenges due to sluggish demand and stagnant prices. Farmers are hesitant to sell at current prices, leading to limited arrivals in critical markets. Additionally, the decline in exports has compounded the concerns of traders and stockists. The market's current state, with limited movement and reduced interest from buyers, paints a worrying picture for the future.

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