
Marcelo Morais

Jul 19, 2024

Brazil: Corn Exports Show a Significant Drop in June/24

Brazil: Corn Exports Show a Significant Drop in June/24

Grain Sales in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil

In June, the state of Mato Grosso do Sul sold 849.7 thousand tons of grains, including soybeans and corn. This volume, calculated by the Association of Soy Producers of Mato Grosso do Sul (Aprosoja/MS) with the Secretariat of Foreign Trade (Secex), is equivalent to US$ 376.279 million.

Soybean Sales

The international soybean operations were responsible for most of the volume, with 849.4 thousand tons, which is 18% less than the same period of the previous year. In monetary value, soybeans generated a turnover of US$ 376.217 million, 25% below the amount generated by international trade in the same period of 2023. However, there was an increase of 7% in exported volume and 11% in monetary value compared to May this year.

Main Destinations:
  • China: 91.4% of sales
  • South Korea: 4.7% of sales
  • Bangladesh: 2.0% of sales
  • Other countries: 2.0% of sales

Corn Sales

  • Corn experienced a significant reduction compared to the same period of the previous year, with a drop of 97%, representing more than 7 thousand tons that were not sold internationally.
  • In June 2024, Mato Grosso do Sul exported only 318.8 thousand tons of corn, equivalent to US$ 61.6 thousand. In monetary value, the reduction was also 97% compared to the same period of the previous year. There was a reduction of 1.2 thousand tons, equal to 79% in relation to May this year.
  • Malaysia was the only destination for corn from Mato Grosso do Sul in June.

Brazil's National Grain Exports

Soybean Exports

  • Brazil exported 13.9 million tons of soybeans in June 2024, a 1% increase (equivalent to 175 thousand tons) compared to the same period of the previous year.
  • In monetary value, international operations represented US$ 6.1 billion, 11% less compared to June 2023.
  • On a national level, China continues to be the main buyer, responsible for acquiring 76% of Brazilian soybeans.

Corn Exports

  • Corn showed a reduction of 18% in the volume sold, equivalent to 182 thousand tons, when compared to the same period in 2023.
  • In monetary value, cereal exports showed a reduction of 37% compared to June of the previous year.
  • The main destinations for Brazilian corn were Algeria and Egypt, with Algeria acquiring 37% and Egypt 24% of Brazilian corn exports.
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