
Elizabeth Gilbert

Jul 23, 2024

Heat Waves and Drought Threaten Agricultural Production in Türkiye

Heat Waves and Drought Threaten Agricultural Production in Türkiye

Extreme Weather Impacts

The intense heat waves affecting Türkiye and the rest of the world are not only posing risks to human health but also disrupting the balance of the planet. The agricultural sector is facing concerns over potential yield losses due to extreme temperatures, while some regions are experiencing critical water shortages. Additionally, the increasing number of forest fires caused by heat waves is causing significant damage to ecosystems.

Battling Drought

Farmers in Türkiye are grappling with both extreme heat waves and reduced rainfall, leading to severe drought conditions. In the Söke plain of Aydın, known for its cotton cultivation, water shortages are becoming a critical issue. Similarly, in Trakya region, sunflowers are struggling with water scarcity during their flowering period. Adana's farmers have faced temperatures exceeding 40 degrees Celsius since June, resulting in burnt watermelon and melon crops, and now face issues with corn. In Manisa, a key olive production center, there are concerns over reduced yields due to extreme heat and drought. In Denizli, barley, wheat, and rye crops are also expected to suffer significant damage.

Water Shortages in Cotton Fields

Mustafa Tanyeri, President of the Aydın Söke Chamber of Agriculture, highlighted the water crisis: "There is no water left in the dams this year. The State Hydraulic Works planned to provide water to the Aydın basin in two phases. Being at the far end, we faced delays in receiving water, which resulted in crop damage. If the water had arrived 10 days earlier, the damage could have been minimal. We hope for rain before the cotton harvest begins in September."

Impact on Sunflowers and Rice

In Edirne, Hüseyin Arabacı, President of the Chamber of Agriculture, explained the situation: "Temperatures have exceeded 43 degrees Celsius. Sunflowers are severely affected, and in some areas, crops will be unharvestable. We are also facing irrigation issues for rice due to extreme heat."

Mehmet Akın Doğan, President of the Adana Yüreğir Chamber of Agriculture, described the challenges: "Our melons and watermelons were scorched by the heat. We suffered total losses in tomatoes. Currently, corn yields are low as the heat prevented proper ear formation. Our water sources are dwindling, and water rationing is planned, with regions receiving water every five days. Dams are running low, and controlled water distribution is planned until the end of the season. This year should be declared a disaster year due to these conditions."

Reduced Expectations for Olive Harvest

Ahmet Akbuğa, President of the Manisa Akhisar Chamber of Agriculture, commented on the olive harvest: "Our expectations were high, but the extreme heat has lowered this possibility. We were expecting a harvest of 400,000 tons of olives, but now we hope for 300,000 tons. Despite having ample water, the increasing temperatures over recent years have reduced our water availability. We need to retain rainfall from winter and spring, and August will be even more challenging in terms of water supply."

Significant Losses in Grain

Serkan Aydın, President of the Denizli Acıpayam Chamber of Agriculture, reported: "We are experiencing significant drought impacts, with damage to barley, wheat, and rye. In addition to drought, we have a mouse problem this year, which we didn't have last year. Rodents are eating our crops, causing a 40% loss."

The severe weather conditions in Türkiye are posing unprecedented challenges for the agricultural sector. As farmers face the dual threats of extreme heat and water scarcity, strategic planning and support from authorities will be crucial in mitigating losses and sustaining agricultural productivity. The situation underscores the urgent need for adaptive measures to cope with the increasing frequency and intensity of climate-related events.
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