
Gülten Tümer

Jul 24, 2024

Turkish Raisin Market Awaits New Price Announcements Amid High Export Expectations

Turkish Raisin Market Awaits New Price Announcements Amid High Export Expectations

The Turkish  raisin market is going through active days. While the prices are expected to be announced on August 1, farmers want the new season prices, not to fall below 4 USD which are currently 3.5 USD. The seasonal prices seem to be at this level, but after October, the prices are expected to rise to around 5 USD by the end of the year.

Businesses continue to offer their last remaining products at high prices. New season prices have also started to be offered by some businesses. The shipments will be at the beginning of September. However, if the weather continues like this with high temperatures, the loadings may be brought forward.

As of July 20, weekly exports were 2562 tons, a decrease of 3000 tons compared to last year. High prices are a factor in this situation, so this season, businesses aim to keep prices at more reasonable levels so as not to miss European buyers.

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