
GĆ¼lten TĆ¼mer

Jul 25, 2024

Turkish Dried Apricot Farmers Demand Fair Prices Amid Early Harvest and Drying Season

Turkish Dried Apricot Farmers Demand Fair Prices Amid Early Harvest and Drying Season

While dried apricot farmers continue harvesting, they also continue the drying process. Extremely hot weather caused both early harvest and earlier drying.

Exporting companies also slowly started purchasing apricots from farmers. However, farmers still complain about low market prices and TMO (Turkish Grain Board) not announcing prices. Some farmers, who thought that they were not rewarded for their labor, threw away some of their products as a boycott. Farmers expect TMO to contribute to price instability and low prices by announcing a floor price as soon as possible.

While the preparations and drying processes for the new season continue, on the other hand, they are trying to sell their products at good prices for the new season by complaining both to the press and to the government in order to find the real value of dried apricots. Prices become clearer for the new season in August. The exporter can only keep the prices he offers for 1 week. The market has not yet settled in terms of price.



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