Venezuela and China Sign Protocols for Cocoa Export
The Minister for Productive Agriculture and Lands, Wilmar Castro Soteldo, reported this month that Venezuela and China signed protocols for the export of cocoa to China. These protocols outline the phytosanitary requirements needed for the export process.The announcement was made via his account on the social network X, highlighting, "Venezuela signs protocols of phytosanitary requirements for the export of cocoa from the Bolivarian Republic to China. This policy confirms the confidence of the cocoa production sector in President Nicolas Maduro."
During a meeting with authorities from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China, Vice Minister Ma Youxiang reiterated their willingness to expand trade with Venezuela.
Ma Youxiang expressed, "I hope that more Venezuelan products will be in China. We need a lot of products. We will talk to customs agents to speed up exports from Venezuela."
This agreement establishes a platform for exchanges between companies, organizations, and institutions from Shandong and the states of Anzoátegui, BolĂvar, Delta Amacuro, Guárico, Monagas, and Sucre. It aims to further enhance exchanges and cooperation.
Strengthening Agricultural Cooperation
The signing of these protocols is part of China's efforts to deepen agricultural cooperation. This includes exchanges in trade, investment, science, technology, and training in the agricultural sector, as well as poverty reduction in rural areas.During a meeting with authorities from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China, Vice Minister Ma Youxiang reiterated their willingness to expand trade with Venezuela.
Ma Youxiang expressed, "I hope that more Venezuelan products will be in China. We need a lot of products. We will talk to customs agents to speed up exports from Venezuela."
Participation in the Third Forum of Ministers of Agriculture
- The meeting coincided with Venezuela's participation in the Third Forum of Ministers of Agriculture between China and Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), held in Shandong Province.
- Minister Castro Soteldo stated that Venezuela's participation in the Forum would give new impetus to bilateral cooperation in agriculture.
- He noted that both countries have been improving the results of their dialogue.
Eastern Economic Zone Cooperation
On Monday, a memorandum of cooperation was signed to strengthen the Special Economic Zone for Agricultural Food in Eastern Venezuela (ZERO) with Shandong Province.This agreement establishes a platform for exchanges between companies, organizations, and institutions from Shandong and the states of Anzoátegui, BolĂvar, Delta Amacuro, Guárico, Monagas, and Sucre. It aims to further enhance exchanges and cooperation.