
Marcelo Morais

Jul 26, 2024

 Sunflower Planting Intentions and Conditions for 2024/25

 Sunflower Planting Intentions and Conditions for 2024/25

Planting Window and Preliminary Results

The optimal planting window extends from August to the end of November in Argentina". The preliminary results presented in this report are not definitive and will be subject to conditions during the development of planting tasks.

Recovery Strategy and Regional Focus

The current planting intention reflects a recovery strategy in the central and northern areas of the agricultural region, particularly in the NEA (Northeastern Argentina) and the Central-North of Santa Fe. These sectors were previously excluded from recent campaigns due to a lack of surface humidity during the planting window.

Alternatives to Corn

Due to the risk of leafhopper disease and associated diseases, there is a need to find alternatives to corn. Sunflower has emerged as an interesting option. In the southern sunflower nuclei, however, the productive scenario is less competitive for the cultivation of sunflowers. In these areas, other summer crops are expected to occupy the land.

Sunflower Planting Area

The area dedicated to sunflower will reach 1.85 million hectares, remaining stable compared to the previous cycle and being 3.2% above the average of the last five campaigns. However, this projection could change based on the evolution of both climatic and economic variables during the planting window.

Regional Analysis of Sunflower Seed Planting Intentions 2024/25

Central and Northern Regions

Producers in the sunflower regions of the center and north of the agricultural area (NEA and North Central zones of Santa Fe) have faced climatic challenges in recent years that affected both the surface area and sunflower production. This year, the initial water storage in the soil profile is more limited compared to the previous cycle. There is also a high probability of facing a productive cycle influenced by conditions between “Neutral” and “La Niña”.

In this context, sunflower is the least demanding crop in terms of water. The need to replace corn, which suffered significant losses due to the corn leafhopper and associated diseases in the last campaign, drives producers to opt for sunflower as a more viable and less risky alternative. This presents an opportunity to plant a larger area of sunflower.

However, surface humidity at sowing is critical. Currently, the lack of moisture in the first centimeters of the soil is a concern in the northern sunflower nuclei. If adequate rains are not received before the start of the planting window, sowing could be limited.
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