
Gülten Tümer

Aug 1, 2024

Farmers Are Working to Increase Prices of Dried Apricot

Farmers Are Working to Increase Prices of Dried Apricot

Preparations for the new season for apricots are underway in Malatya.While drying operations continue rapidly, reactions to falling prices continue. The heads of the chamber of agriculture gathered with farmers and made statements to the press. They want TMO to make purchases to show how difficult the farmers are and to prevent prices from falling below a certain level.

There is no statement from TMO yet. Farmers do not want to take their products to the market, in fact everyone is waiting for purchases to start for export as soon as possible. Since the market is in a downward trend, European buyers are also waiting a little longer. Farmers will continue to take action until they find the real value of their products. Everyone is waiting to see how the reactions will be responded to.


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