
Gülten Tümer

Aug 8, 2024

Turkish Sultana Raisins: Manisa Talks Only Raisin Nowadays

Turkish Sultana Raisins: Manisa Talks Only Raisin Nowadays

The long-awaited month for raisins has arrived. The eagerly awaited August 1 prices have been announced. Tariş announced the No. 7 grape as 100 TL or 2,73€. Although the prices are expected to be around 3 USD higher, it is enough to make the farmer happy for now. The farmer wants it to be 5 USD . But the real prices will become clearer by October 15.

Last week, weekly exports were 2084 tons, a decrease of 3000 tons compared to last year. The average sales price was 3035 USD.

Companies had started to announce new season prices as 3500 USD, but it has increased gradually, there are businesses offering new season prices from 3750 USD. This situation makes the farmer even more hopeful. Farmers who expect labor to be met in the face of increasing costs are eagerly waiting for September, when new season exports will begin. Raki companies are also expected to purchase raisins around November. The entry of alcohol companies into the market will increase the figures.




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