
Gülten Tümer

Aug 8, 2024

Turkish Farmers Resist Low Prices as Dried Apricot Market Faces Challenges

Turkish Farmers Resist Low Prices as Dried Apricot Market Faces Challenges

The price of dried apricots in Türkiye continues to fall. Farmers are quite complaining about this situation. Many farmers do not take their products to the market because they do not want to sell them at a low price. Traders have had difficulty purchasing products from farmers. Although this does not cause much trouble since the season has just started and foreign demand has not increased yet, it will cause trouble for farmers not to sell their products when European buyers increase their need to purchase dried apricots in the coming weeks.

This is also why farmers expect prices to increase. Raw material prices are currently between 80 TL-100 TLor 2,18€ - 2,73€. However, the low yield and high production costs require these prices to be at least 150 TL or 4,09€. How long this resistance of farmers will last will be clear in the coming weeks.

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