
Marcelo Morais

Aug 21, 2024

Cocoa Harvest in Ivory Coast Brings Optimism

Cocoa Harvest in Ivory Coast Brings Optimism

The cocoa harvest in Ivory Coast, the world's largest cocoa producer, is approaching with a renewed sense of hope. After three years of weather-related setbacks that impacted global prices, October, the month when fieldwork begins, is bringing optimism to producers.

Improved Weather Conditions in West Africa

Return of the Rainy Season

  • West Africa, which accounts for over 60% of global cocoa production, is experiencing the return of the rainy season.
  • This has provided relief to cocoa plantations, with trees showing full pods and very green leaves—positive pre-harvest signs.

Positive Outlook for Global Supply

  • Some international agencies view these developments as a good sign for global cocoa supply.
  • The 2023-24 biennium experienced scarcity and record prices, making the current outlook a welcome change.

Challenges from Disease and Climate Impacts

Effects of El Niño

  • Diseases caused by El Niño have left irreversible damage to some cocoa plants.
  • However, producers are making efforts to recover, as noted by the International Cocoa Organization

(ICCO).Ghana's Recovery Efforts

  • Ghana, the world's second-largest cocoa producer, has reported a mixed harvest.
  • The government noted that 81% of the country's cocoa harvest is infested with bean diseases.
  • Despite this, the harvest is expected to reach 800,000 metric tons for the year, reflecting an accelerated recovery effort.

Cocoa Prices Remain High Despite Production Gains

Persistent High Prices

  • Challenges such as disease and climate impacts are likely to keep cocoa prices well above historical norms.
  • A shift to La Niña promises better weather, and some analysts expect global production to exceed demand for the first time in four seasons.

Ivory Coast's Smaller Harvest

  • A smaller harvest in Ivory Coast is contributing to bullish cocoa prices.
  • Government data indicated that Ivorian farmers shipped 1.67 million tons of cocoa to ports from October 1 to August 11, a 28% drop compared to the same period last year.
  • Traders are currently selling cocoa beans at a FOB price of $6,426.00 per ton.
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