
Gülten Tümer

Sep 11, 2024

Heavy Rains Hit Raisin Market: Will High Prices Slow Exports?

Heavy Rains Hit Raisin Market: Will High Prices Slow Exports?

In Manisa Türkiye heavy rainfalls in succession caused floods in many places and many dried grapes got wet in the rain. This caused the quality of some grapes in the market to decrease. Although it did not affect the total yield much, it will affect export prices in the short term. Raisins, which started the season with high prices, continue at this level for now, but high prices prevent buyers from making long-term contracts.

Although exporters think they will start the season quickly due to the quality of raisins this year, the increase in prices due to recent rains is causing exports to progress slowly, also some importers now prefer the other origins because of cheap price but farmers expected to be better next month.
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